Thursday, June 8, 2017

Playing Ketchup Isn’t Fun When You Can’t Eat Tomatoes

Hello patient readers! I have been embroiled in mediocre and uninteresting dramas that have amounted to my not wanting to write. Oh well, now I’m writing. Don't worry, there are also a lot of photos.

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In the past few months I have been engrossed in a couple different endeavors. I worked with Sparkles on doing a personal/professional breakthrough. That experience really cleared up a lot of foggy haze for me and since that experience I have been working very dedicatedly on getting a full time job. Keeping my eyes, ears and heart open, I keep finding more and more opportunities with networking.

I’ve been making a lot of progress in the past year in answering the question “What do I wanna do when I grow up?”  In examining what I have liked and disliked about my previous jobs, I have run into rather more personal questions than I was expecting. A common thread has been the theme of value. Am I valued in my position? Do I add value to the organization I work for? Is my value as a member of a capitalist society dependent on my ability to make money? (Corollary: how do I grapple with my privilege of not needing to work fit in with the framework of existing in a world revolved around money?) And on and on down many rabbit holes.

My answer to everything in the past six months has been about connection. I have tried to approach new problems with considerably more attention to who was involved instead of just getting tasks done. I have paid more attention to networking. I have asked more.

I have had a lot of amazing success with networking since January. Right now my answer for what I want to do professionally is “something where my technical knowledge is appreciated and also helps people.” So far the two areas I have focused on are policy-facing geologist jobs and utilities jobs. I have had a lot of success with a couple Engineering Geologist jobs including one on-site interview for the water regulatory board with the Golden State. The State agency passed on my application, but the experience was overall positive. I have done a bunch of good networking with the local utility agency where I could work on cool local groundwater projects.

The Golden State is doing a lot of really interesting policy work with groundwater sustainability and regulation in a new agricultural industry: cannabis. My networking efforts have been fruitful towards getting me a place at the table for these growth areas. My career goals are still centered around getting my Professional Geologist license so I hope that I can find a contracting firm or government agency that allows me to meet my goal while also introducing me to the broader picture of what it means to be a geologist.

A quick aside that since I will likely be hired as a field grunt for the first couple of years with a consulting agency I am going to start weight lifting so that I can regularly lift 50 lbs in the field without injury. I will start my training with a personal trainer so I get my form correct. This will effect my free time but I will work on maintaining relationships regardless.

In the meantime I have had a lot of fun temping at various companies throughout the area. My favorite temp job was one day where I got to run a leather upholstery show room. I was so in love with the job there was a ten-minute window where I almost thought about giving up science and going into high fashion. But then I looked at the agenda of the person I was substituting for and was like “yeah…no.”

Temping has helped me meet medium-term financial goals, which has helped me feel confident about money. I think that’s a pretty powerful thing, and I appreciate the opportunity while it’s lasted.

I have an Etsy store! Have made a lot of sales, would love more! I am currently working on a banner that says “Subtle like a landmine” and I have a whole array of sexuality pride pieces that I’ve designed from commission.


It’s been really interesting to be more intentional with my time and energy with my PeopleKeeper experiment. I find that when I fall behind it’s OK because I can just catch up when I have time/emotional space. My biggest challenge is understanding that I don’t need to always be nice, I don’t need to be everyone’s friends. This has been relevant recently in very uncomfortable ways due to other people’s shitty behavior. When I began this experiment, I did not know what my attrition would be on those 150 people and that’s good to know for next year.

I published a piece on LinkedIn a while back and it got really good responses. TLoTH folks got back to me that they were already establishing a mentorship paradigm similar to what I wrote about. That made me happy.

Travel and nature

I have been traveling. So. Much. I’ll just let the photos speak for themselves. (Some full albums may be privacy protected because that’s the way I roll. Let me know if you need assistance.)

More photos of flowers, nature and birds and humans respectively. Each word has a different album.

More pictures of lots of water and granite.

Recent visit to the Big Scrapple.


Partner Penguin and I decided that we are finally in a financial position to have an arts budget. BUAHAHAHAHAHAHA! He did not realize how seriously and quickly I would take him up on this offer. Everything that follows is in no particular order, just the order I remember it in.

In the past six months I’ve gotten a lot of out of our local live arts scene:
The indomitable Gaelynn Lea (SERIOUSLY GO SEE HER IF YOU EVER CAN. You will cry and curse my name. I won’t even be mad.)

Robin Galante and Eric Pederson
Our future (read: July) holds for us a production of Hamilton. Just sayin’ to make you mad jelly.

I’ll admit that I’ve also been spending a decent amount of time “worshipping” the goddess Media as well. There is so much excellent art being made this year, I am happy to devour it. Links go to articles with potential spoilers. Click at your own risk:

Get Out-This is not for the faint of heart, but really necessary as a critique of race in America.
Season 3 of Kimmy Schmidt
Parks and Recreation. The entire show. Except season one. No shame.

To prevent my brain from rotting completely, I have complimented my voracious visual media consumption with complimentary written media:

And apropos to nothing, I bought high-waisted sailor pants.

Ok, I’ve saturated your brains enough with some of the stuff going on in my life. Please check out a piece of media I’ve suggested. I’ll sign off with a song that someone suggested when I asked what their favorite song was. I almost had the opportunity to see this artist in The Big Scrapple but the show was sold out.

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