Sunday, June 18, 2017

Blooming Progress Defies Wilting Weather

This week may go down as one of the less eventful weeks in my life, but it was a week. 


I have continued to network and network and network in hopes of maneuvering into a more visible position to apply for a job. I have found that once I get into a certain groove, I can ask for help and a lot of people are excited to help. It’s really difficult to find this groove though. I find myself questioning in a social setting whether I should talk about my work-seeking struggles. But then I do and I’ve been surprised that instead of just nodding along people have put me in contact with new people.

I have to say that one thing I did not understand about networking this much is how exhausting it would be. It’s a lot of cognitive load to me to always be hustling for connection. Another thing is when I get it to develop the right kind of filter on what information to share. Do I disclose that I’m married? Do I share where I’m originally from? Do I talk about spending half of my college career as a Theatre major?

I recently found myself talking about my leadership position within my synagogue and then reflected back with mild horror about whether or not it’s appropriate to talk about religion when I’m trying to get a job in science. It was relevant, and it’s worth sharing that I hold a position of power somewhere, but I still doubted myself.

When I just moved to The Golden State and lived with some relatives, they often made fun of and critiqued my lack of filter. I feel this commentary haunts me, especially as I try to have a more “grown up” job, but don’t feel like a “grown up”.  It takes a lot of effort for me to understand what’s appropriate information to share in any given situation, a major shortcoming I’ve been trying to work through. I deeply value the friends and mentors who have explained ways for me to either pick up cues better or just helped me practice what’s appropriate in work situations.

My present solution has been to try to turn the conversation towards the people I’m speaking with. When they ask about me, I’ve worked on articulating what I want in a job in a way that would actually match a job description. Some of the comments I’ve gotten from people I’ve networked with have been that I need to highlight my work in certain areas (like how I helped design a geochemical leachate study) where previous supervisors have told me that work was irrelevant.

I’ve been working through understanding that the advice I’ve been given within academia may only work in academia. Even there, the “advice” might have been self-sabotaging because several people in positions of power in previous jobs have tried to take my agency or credit from my work. I’m beginning to see that that’s their problem; but it’s hard to let myself reclaim seeing work I’ve done is worthwhile when I’ve been told it’s not. 

Another problem I’ve encountered with the sheer amount of advice I’ve been getting lately is that those dispensing it seem to not remember I’m currently unemployed. I tallied up all the suggestions that people have put forward and they currently add up to $1300.  It’s good practice to set financial goals and proceed forward in a clear path. But honestly it’s overwhelming at times as well.

One thing that’s really bugged me several times are the mid-level professionals who advise I get something because that will make me look like a “go-getter”. This bothers me on multiple levels:
  •        It indicates that my academic and professional choices thus far are that of a slacker. I put myself through the best public university in the country and came out with honors; it really hurts to be called a slacker.
  •        It validates credential creep and sets a soft rejection such that I can’t overcome the rejection to actually move past it.
  •        It is difficult to not view this comment as sexist when I know men from the same exact program as me have gotten jobs in the areas I’m applying to. From the limited information I have seen (on social media, etc), men from my program with lower grades and less credentials than me have gotten jobs with regularity while I’ve been told I need to be more of a “go-getter”. 

There have been several pieces of advice that I have and will act upon. One is going to more meetings where likeminded people, particularly people interested in water policy go to congregate. I am attending a meeting for the local branch of the Groundwater Resources Association this Wednesday. They were understanding of my unemployment situation and were flexible on pricing. I sincerely and truly appreciate that.

Health and Exercise

Another piece of advice I have received from multiple sources is that I start working out. Ironically, professional advancement is one of the very few motivators that actually work for me in a sports sense. I generally detest any kind of workout that involves being alone and not part of a team. But the few times I’ve done it with the goal of being more able to do my job…BAM! I show up, I do well and I’m fine with it.

I don’t look like someone who can naturally lift 50lbs out in the field all day, and truth be told: I can’t really. When I was back in the Big Scrapple I did heavy lifting for a day and it exhausted me for a week and a half. And that’s OK! It’s OK that I’m at the level of physical fitness I’m at right now, especially as I’ve been working on endurance and basic maintenance for quite a while.

But now is the time in my life when I need to step up. Now is the time in my life when I need to get stronger. And that’s OK too. If I get an offer for a job that requires I regularly lift 50lbs around a field site, I am going to be ready. ^___^

Weight Lifting
PartnerPenguin was an absolute all star of a partner and is so committed to supporting my decision he helped me out with finding a personal trainer. We went to a mutual training session and the guy was just great!  He went through three different lifts for each of us and made sure we understood what proper form looked and felt like. He broke down how important recovery was and exactly how we should approach sleeping and eating. It looks like I’m about to get VERY familiar with a million different ways to cook a chicken breast as I need to eat A LOT more protein.

The three lifts I worked on were the squat, the bench press and the deadlift. I appreciated learning how to do a squat properly because it stretches and strengthens my shoulder in a way that’s been lacking in prior workout routines. My initial weights are:
·      Squat: 33lb
·      Bench Press: 45lb
·      Deadlift: 85lb
I’m proud of my deadlift because when I did CrossFit for a hot minute my maximum deadlift was 95lb. It seems like I’ll be able to reach that weight again soon.

The program this trainer adheres to is the StartingStrength program so I will read up more on that method and also maybe teach myself the overhead press somewhere down the line. PartnerPenguin got a lot of good critique on his overhead press so he should be an expert at that soon! Chances are high I’ll go back to the trainer before I try to teach myself anything new because I’m terrified of hurting myself. But, in the words of Todrick Hall “This shit’s expensive.”

Short-term job
I’m still doing temp work and honestly it’s been really really great at teaching me some of the stuff I discussed earlier. My job this past week was an interesting contrast with someone who was very open with her sexuality and discussing wanting to get a boyfriend from the event compared to my silence. Sometimes it helps to learn from other people’s mistakes.

The job was very physically demanding because we were standing outside in direct sunlight and wind for 8-9 hours a day. It was an interesting experience because the contractors for whom we were working were international and didn’t really understand our work laws. At some point, our direct supervisor’s boss commented to the supervisor that the Americans were “lazing around” in the break room. I really admire the way the supervisor handled it, which was come to us and ask us about our labor laws. We let her know that we’re entitled to a ten-minute break every two hours and one thirty-minute break within every five hours. It irked me though. Especially since the event was an HR conference and generally HR folks are versed in the most obscure labor laws.

Something really productive happened at this conference, and I need to tell you! After Day One of conference I was pretty beat but followed a lead to apply to a company as a mapping technician. It was for a driverless car company and they could use my technical skill set without the job relying on too much emotional labor, sign me up!

On Day Two of the conference, I was walking in to take my break and I saw the office manager from the car company! I went up and introduced myself to her and her colleague who works in manufacturing. She said she would pass along that she’d met me and put in a good word for me. I was so proud and surprised that I actually got some relevant networking out of this conference. I really didn’t think there would be any relevant overlap at an HR event!

I’ve also put my name in for an internship with a State Agency that’s just been born. The pay will be what it is, but the social capital opportunities would be excellent with that gig. We’ll see how it turns out, but I’ll report back on that soon.

I think that’s about it on my end. I hope you’re enjoying this beautiful summer weather but staying cool enough not to turn into a puddle.  Here’s a photo of my most recent manicure, all sparkled up and ready for summer.

And to close out, with a song as always… I’m feeling silly and nostalgic today, so here’s a little thing called “I Believe in a Thing Called Love”. Saw this band in concert when they were a thing and they were just as preposterous in person, it was magnificent.

And for those of you following along at home, remember that I have a playlist with all the music I post on this blog. I also have other playlists that are fun too.

Thursday, June 8, 2017

Playing Ketchup Isn’t Fun When You Can’t Eat Tomatoes

Hello patient readers! I have been embroiled in mediocre and uninteresting dramas that have amounted to my not wanting to write. Oh well, now I’m writing. Don't worry, there are also a lot of photos.

* * *

In the past few months I have been engrossed in a couple different endeavors. I worked with Sparkles on doing a personal/professional breakthrough. That experience really cleared up a lot of foggy haze for me and since that experience I have been working very dedicatedly on getting a full time job. Keeping my eyes, ears and heart open, I keep finding more and more opportunities with networking.

I’ve been making a lot of progress in the past year in answering the question “What do I wanna do when I grow up?”  In examining what I have liked and disliked about my previous jobs, I have run into rather more personal questions than I was expecting. A common thread has been the theme of value. Am I valued in my position? Do I add value to the organization I work for? Is my value as a member of a capitalist society dependent on my ability to make money? (Corollary: how do I grapple with my privilege of not needing to work fit in with the framework of existing in a world revolved around money?) And on and on down many rabbit holes.

My answer to everything in the past six months has been about connection. I have tried to approach new problems with considerably more attention to who was involved instead of just getting tasks done. I have paid more attention to networking. I have asked more.

I have had a lot of amazing success with networking since January. Right now my answer for what I want to do professionally is “something where my technical knowledge is appreciated and also helps people.” So far the two areas I have focused on are policy-facing geologist jobs and utilities jobs. I have had a lot of success with a couple Engineering Geologist jobs including one on-site interview for the water regulatory board with the Golden State. The State agency passed on my application, but the experience was overall positive. I have done a bunch of good networking with the local utility agency where I could work on cool local groundwater projects.

The Golden State is doing a lot of really interesting policy work with groundwater sustainability and regulation in a new agricultural industry: cannabis. My networking efforts have been fruitful towards getting me a place at the table for these growth areas. My career goals are still centered around getting my Professional Geologist license so I hope that I can find a contracting firm or government agency that allows me to meet my goal while also introducing me to the broader picture of what it means to be a geologist.

A quick aside that since I will likely be hired as a field grunt for the first couple of years with a consulting agency I am going to start weight lifting so that I can regularly lift 50 lbs in the field without injury. I will start my training with a personal trainer so I get my form correct. This will effect my free time but I will work on maintaining relationships regardless.

In the meantime I have had a lot of fun temping at various companies throughout the area. My favorite temp job was one day where I got to run a leather upholstery show room. I was so in love with the job there was a ten-minute window where I almost thought about giving up science and going into high fashion. But then I looked at the agenda of the person I was substituting for and was like “yeah…no.”

Temping has helped me meet medium-term financial goals, which has helped me feel confident about money. I think that’s a pretty powerful thing, and I appreciate the opportunity while it’s lasted.

I have an Etsy store! Have made a lot of sales, would love more! I am currently working on a banner that says “Subtle like a landmine” and I have a whole array of sexuality pride pieces that I’ve designed from commission.


It’s been really interesting to be more intentional with my time and energy with my PeopleKeeper experiment. I find that when I fall behind it’s OK because I can just catch up when I have time/emotional space. My biggest challenge is understanding that I don’t need to always be nice, I don’t need to be everyone’s friends. This has been relevant recently in very uncomfortable ways due to other people’s shitty behavior. When I began this experiment, I did not know what my attrition would be on those 150 people and that’s good to know for next year.

I published a piece on LinkedIn a while back and it got really good responses. TLoTH folks got back to me that they were already establishing a mentorship paradigm similar to what I wrote about. That made me happy.

Travel and nature

I have been traveling. So. Much. I’ll just let the photos speak for themselves. (Some full albums may be privacy protected because that’s the way I roll. Let me know if you need assistance.)

More photos of flowers, nature and birds and humans respectively. Each word has a different album.

More pictures of lots of water and granite.

Recent visit to the Big Scrapple.


Partner Penguin and I decided that we are finally in a financial position to have an arts budget. BUAHAHAHAHAHAHA! He did not realize how seriously and quickly I would take him up on this offer. Everything that follows is in no particular order, just the order I remember it in.

In the past six months I’ve gotten a lot of out of our local live arts scene:
The indomitable Gaelynn Lea (SERIOUSLY GO SEE HER IF YOU EVER CAN. You will cry and curse my name. I won’t even be mad.)

Robin Galante and Eric Pederson
Our future (read: July) holds for us a production of Hamilton. Just sayin’ to make you mad jelly.

I’ll admit that I’ve also been spending a decent amount of time “worshipping” the goddess Media as well. There is so much excellent art being made this year, I am happy to devour it. Links go to articles with potential spoilers. Click at your own risk:

Get Out-This is not for the faint of heart, but really necessary as a critique of race in America.
Season 3 of Kimmy Schmidt
Parks and Recreation. The entire show. Except season one. No shame.

To prevent my brain from rotting completely, I have complimented my voracious visual media consumption with complimentary written media:

And apropos to nothing, I bought high-waisted sailor pants.

Ok, I’ve saturated your brains enough with some of the stuff going on in my life. Please check out a piece of media I’ve suggested. I’ll sign off with a song that someone suggested when I asked what their favorite song was. I almost had the opportunity to see this artist in The Big Scrapple but the show was sold out.